
Leapdroid: Pioneering Software Innovation from Jyväskylä, Western Finland

Leapdroid: Pioneering Software Innovation from Jyväskylä, Western Finland

Finland, known for its unique blend of leading technology alongside rich cultural heritage and tranquil landscapes, plays host to a myriad of cutting-edge software companies. In the city of Jyväskylä, nestled in Western Finland, these industries are thriving, building a dense network of innovation in the realm of digital solutions. Below, we delve into some of the outstanding businesses that call this city home, showcasing their diverse areas of expertise – from cyber security to sales enablement platforms.

Located in the vibrant city of Jyväskylä, these organizations are not only contributing to local economy but also making strong impact in global software industry. Developing apps, providing IT, cloud, and IoT solutions, these companies reflect the productive influence Jyväskylä holds in the software industry. Let’s explore these businesses to understand their offerings and contributions to the global market.

This series of articles is designed to shed light on the intricate tapestry of software companies based in Jyväskylä. They have all played vital roles in establishing the area as an international hub for innovation and technological progression. But what exactly makes each of these businesses shine? Read on to uncover their respective stories.

Showell – Sales Enablement Platform

Co-founded by Juha Suni and Sami Suni, Showell is a sales enablement platform designed for engaging presentation, sharing, and tracking content. Operating in the Apps, Content, Information Technology, Internet, iOS, Mobile Apps, Software, and Video industry, Showell is establishing its niche in the market with its intuitive and robust platform. Follow Showell on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Boasting IT expertise, Pinja furnishes software development, ERP, cloud computing, ICT, and business intelligence solutions. They have carved a detailed roadmap to transform businesses digitally and revamp their operations with state-of-the-art technology. Follow Pinja on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Co-founded by Andrei Costin and Vadim Bogulean, Binare is a cybersecurity company aiming to provide robust solutions for IoT devices. Binare’s service portfolio includes both an automated analysis platform and professional services to offer detailed cyber security assessments and penetration testing of IoT devices. Stay updated with Binare via their LinkedIn and Twitter.


Operating in the realm of Restaurants and Software, Jamix is transforming the industry’s approach towards software solutions. Stay in touch with Jamix through their LinkedIn.


Co-founded by Timo Akselin, Protacon offers consultation services and provides process, automation and ICT solutions for project management, production, and maintenance sectors. They are involved in various stages of their clients’ digital journey, from testing and quality assurance systems to software products and complex technological solutions. You can connect with Protacon on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Truly Protect

Founded by Amit Resh, Dror Chevion, Michael Kiperberg, and Nezer Zaidenberg, TrulyProtect is a cybersecurity company delivering a robust suite of Code Security Tools. Their solution, operational on a continuous 24/365 basis, shields software developers from Reverse Engineering, Modification, and Theft of Algorithmic and coded-IP. You can follow TrulyProtect on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Admicom Finland

Admicom Finland is all about making everyday life easier. They develop software solutions that help to streamline the business operations of their clients. Keep up-to-date with Admicom Finland on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Aiwo Digital

Co-founded by Atso Vesterinen, Aiwo Digital integrates artificial intelligence into business objectives, combining expertise in machine learning and information systems. Their innovative solutions enable businesses to leverage AI without the need for in-house expertise or technological investment. Reach out to Aiwo Digital on their Twitter and LinkedIn.


Founded by Kari Aho, Secapp is a SaaS service that ensures critical communications and alerting. Catering to a wide range of sectors from education to telecommunications, Secapp has created a platform that facilitates efficient communication during emergencies and crises. Follow Secapp on their Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Chargerdata Ltd

Co-founded by Aleksi Kallio, Chargerdata Ltd is a revolutionary EV charging middleware. The company’s solution gathers status information from EV chargers and provides it through a central backend and API, providing a comprehensive view on EV chargers across network. Check out Chargerdata Ltd on their Facebook and LinkedIn.


Meliora Ltd is a software company specializing in quality management. Through their product Meliora Testlab, an online application lifecycle management suite, Meliora is improving product quality and revamping testing processes. Connect with Meliora on their Twitter and LinkedIn.

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