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Netmore and Niam expand collaboration – 50 properties are equipped with the flagship product Netmore Proptech Node

Netmore and Niam broaden and deepen the collaboration in property digitalisation.

Netmore and Niam expand collaboration – 50 properties are equipped with the flagship product Netmore Proptech Node

The next step involves Niam connecting approximately 50 properties to the Netmore Property Network, which is done by equipping the properties in question with the flagship product, Netmore Proptech Node. Planning for commissioning will begin during the second quarter of 2021, and further information about the rollout will be communicated on an ongoing basis.

Earlier in the year, the property owner Niam launched an extensive 5G investment and after evaluation chose Netmore’s open 5G infrastructure for indoor use, with a first pilot project in Värtahamnen, Stockholm. The collaboration is now being deepened, which concretely means that Niam initially chooses to provide around 50 selected properties with the digitalisation platform Netmore Proptech Node.

Niam is one of the Nordic region’s largest private property owners with over 1.7 million square metres of properties in its portfolio. The company has a long-term investment strategy and a future focus that clearly intends to use digitalisation in order to create the best conditions for both tenants and the communities in which they are located, where sustainability and environmental issues characterise the refinement work.

It is very gratifying that the collaboration with Niam is already being both expanded and deepened and that the whole project is also concretised with Niam choosing to invest in our flagship product Netmore Proptech Node. The purpose of our solutions is to provide our customers with conditions that make them a leader both in terms of the degree of digitalisation in the property portfolio and of course when it comes to actually benefiting from the many applications and benefits that digitalisation brings. When we now begin the work of digitising Niam’s property portfolio, we know that we have good opportunities to make a big difference, especially by contributing to an increased operating net by reducing costs with the help of digitalisation, ”says Ove Anebygd, CEO of Netmore.

Netmore’s product provides property owners with a future-proof digitalisation basis and supports several different access technologies such as fibre, 5G, LoRaWAN and Wi-Fi. This means that property owners such as Niam can benefit from a wide range of digitalisation benefits, resulting in higher standards for tenants, reduced climate impact and increased net operating income.

Jennifer Anderson, Managing Partner Niam says of the partnership: ”Extending our collaboration with Netmore allows us to access and control data usage within our buildings.  This simplifies the integration of sensors, applications and connected devices and accelerates the transition to smarter properties for our tenants. Niam is a frontrunner and is among the first property owners to future-proof buildings with 5G.  Therefore, this is the next rational step to ensure that we can offer the most technologically advanced services and connectivity in our properties.”

About Netmore Proptech Node

The core of the Netmore Property Network business area is the flagship product Netmore Proptech Node, which is installed in each connected property. Well installed in one or more properties, the node enables property owners and property managers to take advantage of a number of different digitalisation benefits that the offer entails.

Netmore Proptech Node enables, among other things:

  • Full control and visibility over the entire property portfolio’s digital environment in the form of systems and connected devices, something that entails, among other things, a comprehensive and centralised approach to cyber security, property management and property automation.
  • Increased net operating income through streamlining and the possibility of reduced energy consumption thanks to a future-proof digitalisation basis that enables efficient property management.
  • Increased operating net as a result of the introduction of new digital revenue streams for the property owner. Property owners can, for example, offer internet and Wi-Fi directly to tenants, receive revenue from IoT devices that are connected to LoRaWAN and offer an open 5G connection that can be used by both tenants and mobile operators.

Read more here.

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