
Leapdroid: Leading IT Innovations from Pasig, Rizal’s Tech Hub

Leapdroid: Leading IT Innovations from Pasig, Rizal’s Tech Hub


In the bustling city of Pasig, Rizal, Philippines, an impressive hub of Information Technology companies is emerging. These forward-thinking corporations utilize pioneering technology and innovative services to transform industries and shape the future of IT. As an archipelago recognized for its talented workforce with technical prowess, the Philippines has become a favorite location for software, internet, and fintech companies all over the globe.

In this article, we will spotlight some of the standout companies in Pasig that are making significant contributions to the IT industry. Each of these corporations is playing a pivotal role in various sectors, including Information Services, Recruiting, Financial Services, Customer Service, Business Development, and more.

Read on as we feature each compelling story, highlighting the ingenuity and creativity of these IT corporations headquartered in Pasig, Rizal, Philippines.


Founded by Kathleen Yu, Rumarocket is an innovative end-to-end talent management platform. By incorporating big data analytics and skill-based assessments, they help companies identify and engage the right talents for their needs. Operating in various sectors like Information Services, Information Technology, Internet, Machine Learning, Recruiting, and Software, Rumarocket offers quality IT talent to fulfill company vacancies. For more information, connect with them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

UBX Philippines

Introducing UBX Philippines, a company carving its way in the Financial Services, FinTech, and Information Technology industry. Guided by its founder, John Januszczak, UBX Philippines is keen on making significant advancements in its field. Follow their progress on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


JP Tamayo’s brainchild, JustPayto, is making digital payments and money transfers more convenient for individuals and businesses. Known for their prowess in Financial Services, FinTech, Information Technology, and Payments, JustPayto is committed to creating a frictionless ecosystem that integrates both traditional and digital forms of payment. Keep up with them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

ISupport Worldwide

Distinguished for their excellence in Customer Service, Information Technology, and Outsourcing, ISupport Worldwide is setting new standards in its field. Connect with them on LinkedIn and Twitter for more updates.

Curo Teknika Inc.

In the realm of Information Technology and Software, Curo Teknika Inc. is a game changer. With innovative solutions and an excellent team, this company is on the road to success. Follow their journey on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Ardent Networks

Ardent Networks is making waves in Business Development, Enterprise Software, Information Technology, Internet, and Software. A leading distributor of enterprise and networking solutions, its advanced technology, enterprise mobility and comprehensive services set it apart. Connect with them on Facebook.

Software Ventures International

Under the excellent leadership of Gil Camacho and Gil Guanio, Software Ventures International is pushing the boundaries of Information Technology, Outsourcing, and Software. Stay updated with their progress by following them on Facebook and LinkedIn.


Founded by Mark L. Yu, PriceLOCQ is making significant strides in the Information Technology, Mobile Apps, and Software industries. For more insights on what they’re up to, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


Under the excellent leadership of Dave Deluria, Jacques Dimanche, and Robert Deluria, iManila is revolutionizing various sectors such as Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Information Technology, Social Media Marketing, Web Design, Web Development, and Web Hosting. Keep up with their latest progress by connecting with them on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

PacificHub Corporation

Standing out in the Information Technology, Outsourcing, and Professional Services sectors, PacificHub Corporation is a corporation to watch out for. Stay informed about their latest moves by following them on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Numlock Solutions

Finally, in the Information Technology and Mobile Apps sectors, Numlock Solutions is breaking ground with its innovative strategies. To learn more, follow their updates on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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