
Mobile App Promotion Strategies

Once you get your app developed, tested, and ready for sale, you might realize that your work has only just begun!

Mobile App Promotion Strategies

Once you get your app developed, tested, and ready for sale, you might realize that your work has only just begun! You probably thought developing your app was going to be hard, but marketing and promoting it can be twice as much work. Don’t be discouraged, though. There are lots of great ways to market your app to potential clients.

If you have been trying to get a handle on the process of marketing and promoting your app, you are not alone! Lots of designers run into problems when they get to the promotion side of their app sales process.

For some great tried and true promotion strategies for your app, read on!

Mobile App Promotion Strategies

Promoting your app does not have to be difficult if you use the right tactics and the right promotion plan. These tips will help you to find the right promotional strategy for your android or iOS app to make sure that it is a success. As a part of promotional strategy, you can buy iOS application installs or the android apps.

1. Pre-Launch Promotions

It is always a good plan to advertise your app to potential customers before it is even ready to be put up for sale. Pre-launch builds hype and gets the word out about your app before it can be purchased. To use this method of promotion for your app, you will need an email list and a solid social media presence.

Using the email list and your Twitter and Social Media presence, you can show information videos, snippets of information, and teasers about your new app. Your followers and connections will be ready for the app when it does come out, and they will likely buy it right away!

2. Utilize Guest Posting

Guest posting can be a great way to promote your app to customers. When you use a guest post on your social media platforms, you will have access to your own audience and the audience of the guest poster. Guest posters are usually experts in one way or another, and their expertise is a big factor in helping to net sales for your app.

Finding guest posters can be hard, but there are ways to get connected with guests to write a blog post or do a vlog for your app. Sites like connect creators with guest posters to benefit both parties. Being able to find the right kind of guest post expert doesn’t have to be hard if you have the right connections!

3. Sponsored Articles/ Ads

Sponsored ads can go a long way toward promoting apps. These advertisements usually leverage video and cool graphics and images to reach out to your potential customers. Sponsored ad positioning is always better than that of regular ads and you will get connected with the right audience more efficiently through the use of this kind of ad.

Sponsored articles and ads might cost more to utilize when promoting your app, but the returns are far better than what you can expect with basic ads. The extra money and effort are worth it when you start to carve out a comfortable place for your app inside of its niche.

4. Demo Video

This is an essential part of the promotion strategy for your app. This video is the only way that your potential clients can check out the app before they buy it. Well-crafted demo videos will show the highlights of the app as well as key features that make it special when compared with its competitors.

Using the right music and the right images in your demo video is necessary if you want to make people interested in buying it. Video is immediate and it can communicate more than you think to your potential customers. Make sure that you create a good demo video or you will be losing sales before you ever had a chance to make a connection with a potential customer.

5. Use Giveaways or Contests

This is a great way to get your app into the hands of users who will test it and then tell their friends about it. Organic sales can add up over time, and the excitement of a giveaway or a contest is often enough to get people interested in your app.

Using giveaways or contests as a means to access customers and to create buzz about the app is an essential way to leverage social media to get the word out about your app. Without the fun and social connection-making aspect of giveaways and contests, you will just be offering people dry information about your app without any excitement.

6. Ask For Feedback

Showing that you are interested in feedback about your product is always good for consumer confidence. People like to feel like they are heard and when they buy a product they often like to leave a review of it to help it get improvements.

Asking for feedback is a great way to show transparency and commitment to your goal of customer satisfaction. Best of all, this feedback is just like when you ran a testing round for your app. Customers are the best source of information about the performance of your app and you should use their reviews as a means to do research about ways to improve your app.

Mobile App Promotion Doesn’t Have to be Hard

While it can seem tough to promote your app, you probably have access to more avenues of outreach than you think. There are so many ways to get connected with your customer base these days that it can be hard to pick out the most effective means of doing so from the huge list of options.

Adding even one of these suggestions in this article to your promotional plan can make a huge impact on your overall sales. Mobile app marketing is not as simple as just putting it up for sale and hoping for the best. You will need to do research about the market that you are selling to and make sure to leverage numerous promotional channels to get the word out.

Using these strategies will make promoting your app a piece of cake!

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